
Weekly Announcements

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2) Enter both the Meeting ID and the Password in your zoom app or on the website

Meeting ID: 843 648 8110
Password: 62293 (Trenton’s zip code) 

To call in with phone audio only, call 1-312-626-6799 
and then the meeting ID: 8436488110 followed by the pound sign.
Password, if needed, will be: 62293.

(If you know of someone who would like to join us,
please pass this information on to them.)

OGHS is a vital special mission offering of the United Church of Christ. It connects you to disaster relief, refugee assistance, and development efforts around the globe. When disasters strike, or when individuals are displaced due to violence or poverty, OGHS ensures immediate response and ongoing recovery. We will be taking this special offering on Sunday, March 30. Thank you for your generosity.

For March we are asking for liquid hand soap, paper napkins, pens, and potting/garden soil. The soap is to keep germs at bay and the napkins help keep the kids tidy while eating. We are using the potting soil to teach the children about environmental stewardship with some hands-on learning. And pens are always needed. Delivery will be the 1st week in April. Thank you for putting these children in your hearts with your donations. 

A red tub is in the Narthex for donations for Trenton’s Green Bean Pantry. If you have any packaged food items you would like to bring on Sunday, please place them in the tub. If you drop them off on Tuesday or Thursday, make sure you mark them Green Bean Pantry. Thank you for thinking of those in our community.

Go to our website at to donate to a variety of funds or set up monthly or weekly donations.
General Fund
Building Fund
Memorial Fund
Snack Pack Program
One Great Hour of Sharing
Strengthen the Church
Neighbors in Need
Christmas Fund
If you have any questions or have problems setting up a donation,
please call Bev Adams at 224-9828.

A sign-up sheet is out on the table in the narthex with a listing of Sunday dates for coffee hour hosts. Please sign up if you would like to bring goodies for fellowship after service.

The Fellowship Breakfast is the first Tuesday of the month at 8:00 AM. We will be switching venues from Good Ol’ Days in New Baden to Hank’s Bowl in Trenton. We hope you can join us for an enjoyable breakfast with others. It’s a time for great conversation, food and fellowship. Everyone is welcome! Mark your 2025 calendars for these dates: 04/08, 05/06, 06/03, 07/01, 08/05, 09/02, 10/07, 11/04 & 12/02.

The T-shirts have arrived! They can be picked up this Sunday from Pastor Christy or from the office next week. Thank you for showing your support for St. John UCC!

St. John UCC will be hosting a spring blood drive for the American Red Cross on Monday, April 14, 2025 from 12 noon to 5:00 PM. If you would like to schedule a time to give blood go to to register. A sign-up sheet is out in the narthex if you can help with the registration table or the snack table that day.

The vestibule will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM for rummage sale drop offs, Green Bean donations as well as things for Kindercottage. Please make sure your items are marked appropriately so we know where they belong.

We are signing up workers for the days of the sale. There is a sign up in the Narthex that covers everyone needed for March 27, 28, and 29. Rummage items are still accepted and sorted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We prefer larger items to wait for delivery until the week of the sale, but if absolutely necessary they can be delivered now.

Please note: If you have any pant hangers that can be brought to the church, please do as we are in need of them. Also, from March 17 to 21, we are asking for help every day from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. No need to sign up but we would appreciate any and all help for sorting and organizing.

Greeting cards are in the vestibule to be signed. The Sonshine Ministry appreciates your help in keeping connected with members.

Order forms are in the narthex for Easter flowers. If you would like to help decorate the church by purchasing a plant in honor, memory or celebration of a loved one or occasion, please fill it out and put it in the offering plate along with a check or cash for the amount. Lilies are $13 while tulips and hyacinths are $12. Orders must be turned in by March 30th.

This week students brought in items from home for the letters O and P. In celebration of the letter P students wore their pajamas to school on Thursday and Friday! Our MWF students had picture day on Monday so everybody looked their best. Pastor Christy read the book “Picture Face Lizzy” so the students could relate to that for sure! We also had fun participating in “pass the clover” game. It’s always something engaging at Rainbow Preschool.

If you would want to go to our Facebook page you will see students working on projects, having free play, going outside (weather permitting) and learning, learning, learning.

Sunday, March 23, 2025
Pastor: Rev. Christy Smith
Music: Craig Frutigar
Greeter: Council Member
Coffee Hour: Laurie Henderson & Elaine Hoffmann
Council Member on Duty: Hank Henderson

Sunday, March 30, 2025
Pastor: Rev. Christy Smith
Music: Bonnie Arentsen
Greeter: Council Member
Coffee Hour: Open
Council Member on Duty: Hank Henderson

Pastor Christy will be in the office Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM and is also available for appointments. Contact her through her cell phone at
618-973-3040. Her email is

Contact Beverly Adams, the church office administrator will usually be in the office
from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday, but her schedule may vary so contact her at or call 224-9828 to leave a message.