J.O.Y. Fellowship

Women’s J.O.Y. Fellowship

The St. John Women’s J.O.Y. Fellowship regularly collects items for Uni-Pres Kindercottage in East St. Louis.  These items range from snacks and food to cleaning materials which we deliver on a monthly basis to Kindercottage.  An ongoing event we host is an Ash Wednesday program and breakfast for other churches in the area. We also help out with congregational events and have monthly meetings on the first Tuesday at 1:00 PM September through May. 

BROWN BAG LUNCH:  The J.O.Y. participates in the Brown Bag Lunch program by supplying meat, cheese and bread and assembling sandwiches every Tuesday during the summer after school ends and before school starts.  Members of St. John also donate snacks or drinks like fruit, chips and juice boxes along with extra goodies like small toys.   


The J.O.Y. Society (which joined with the Women’s Fellowship group) was founded in 1926 and has the motto of “Jesus first, Others next and Yourself last.”  The aim is to bring joy to the lives of others.  So for over 90 years, the women of this church have had a focus to help and support others, including St. John UCC and all its activities, Eden Seminary, Hoyleton Children’s Home, Hitz Home, Emmaus House, Neighborhood House and currently Kindercottage and the Brown Bag Lunch Program. 

You can visit the Uni-Pres Kindercottage website at http://www.unipreskindercottage.org/ to learn more about Kindercottage.