Ash Wednesday Events – Wednesday, March 5th
Women’s J.O.Y. Program – at 9:00 AM
The Women’s JOY Fellowship invites all the ladies of St. John to its annual Ash Wednesday program. Dr. Jamie Truscott, Pediatric Oncologist at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital will be the guest speaker. This year’s topic will be “Helping Families Deal with Traumatic Diagnoses and their Aftermath”. A light breakfast will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex to attend the program and to help out at the reception. Please sign up by Monday, March 3rd.
Service – at 7:00 PM
We start our Lenten journey with the series “Roll Down, Justice.
We hope you will join us.
California Wildfires 2025
We are offering both in-person and online Zoom worship services.
For Zoom worship, please follow these instructions:
1) Click this direct link – – which has the password already embedded.
2) Enter both the Meeting ID and the Password in your zoom app or on the website
Meeting ID: 843 648 8110
Password: 62293 (It’s our zip code, so it’s easier to remember)
If you are calling in with phone audio only, you can call
1-312-626-6799 and then enter our meeting ID:
8436488110 followed by the pound sign.
If a password is required over phone audio, it will be: 62293.
(If you know of someone who uses this option to connect with us each week, please pass this information on to them.) This link will be used for all church worship and prayer services, to meet with Pastor Christy and for any church group wishing to use Zoom for their meetings. Just get in contact with Pastor Christy to let her know you wish to use the link so she can help you set that up.
To view our weekly online recorded sermons on Vimeo, please click here.
Our congregation first organized in 1870. Ever since our founding we have been encouraged and led by the greatest story ever told. The people of the United Church of Christ are a people united and always uniting. We place great value in serving others.
The United Church of Christ recognizes two sacraments – Baptism and The Lord’s Supper. Our worship services contain a wide variety of musical traditions, as well as expressions and values that have integrity and purpose. From conservative to liberal, we’re not short on variety.
Seven Great Things about Our Church
1) We have a participatory worship style.
2) We accept people where they are and encourage them to grow in their faith!
3) Our decision making is open in style.
4) We host the meetings of many community organizations.
5) We work on being a loving church utilizing prayer, study and by visiting others.
6) We have organizations that include all of our members.
7) We have a beautiful modern building that allows us to be centered in our faith!
The Vision for our Church
We see St. John United Church of Christ as a dynamic, spirit filled, diversified church impacting our city, our nation, and our world through our multifaceted mission outreach.
Our Mission Statement
We STRIVE to be a welcoming church, reaching out to all people.
We SHARE our Christian faith by spreading the message of God’s love and grace.
We SERVE in the heart of the community with the greater community at heart.
Learn more about our conference, Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ.
Learn more about our denomination, the United Church of Christ.